Free Energy of the Month - September 2023
I'm thrilled you decided to explore the energies that surround you. Each month we will connect with divine energy and tap into that guidance to help bring insight and clarity. This is the free version of the energy of the month. If you want to know more about what the month brings subscribe to the Monthly Energy Reading which gives you even more insight and clarity.
As always, sending you lots of love and light!
Looking for the full reading? Click here.
What is the energy of the month and what influence could it have?
Find guidance on your journey as we discover and explore the energy of September 2023 through the tarot cards.
Breathe and Focus
When you are ready take three deep breaths…
Focus on the area of your life that you are seeking guidance for.
Think of your topic or question now.
Be open to receiving guidance. Take a deep breath.
The Overall Energy of the Month
September is all over the place and it’s going to be a challenge keeping your head and priorities straight. With so many little things creeping up, you need to let go of any concept of micromanaging, or meeting others’ expectations. People and situations might let you down or make things harder than they need to be. All you can do is your best and have faith things will and can eventually change for the better.
Tough times require strong faith.
Watch out for self-sabotaging tendencies or bad habits. Work on finding healthy coping mechanisms. Fighting this process just makes it harder, so try to go with the flow, be adaptable and have faith.
Want to Know More?
Here's a sneak peek at the monthly energy reading for September. Want to know how the energy could influence you in different areas of your life this month? Subscribe to the Monthly Energy Reading to find out more!
The cards for the month of September are all reversed!
Discover what each card means and how this could impact your life here.
The cards this month are:
Three of Swords Reversed
Seven of Swords Reversed
Ten of Pentacles Reversed
Two of Pentacles Reversed
Looking for more information about this month? Click here to subscribe to the Monthly Energy Reading.
Book your own personalized reading to see what this month has in store for you. Let's explore your spiritual messages together!